Dec 8, 2009

Festive card hole punching with more Lego

Well, it seems that a lot of people are really excited to try playing with Lego and hole punched card after the last post, so while your enthusiasm is still up I thought I'd make you a printable Christmassy cut out and punch set.

We're starting on making our Christmas dioramas that I mentioned at the end of the last post. Usually I just draw stuff as we are doing it and the kids colour it in right then and there, so there aren't drawings that I am able to scan and share, so I thought I should do a few with a sharpie that I can scan before the kids get their hands on them.

All you need are some card to print on, scissors, hole punch and some lego.

Click on the thumbnail below to get the full resolution image.

If I manage to draw anything else without the kids colouring it in immediately then I'll try and scan it and get it up here for you too. Hope you enjoy playing!
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Sue said...

Thanks for sharing these.

Kelly said...

I can't wait to try this with my son. What a great idea!

dottycookie said...

That is genius. My children will adore this idea - thanks for sharing it!

K said...

I just found you via Craft and thank you so much for these! I have a little lego freak in the house and this way maybe I'll get him to do some coloring as well :D

Anonymous said...

i came to your blog through craft, and i must say that i love all the creations you and your entire family have created! (love the mini fooz ball table XD)
lucky kids for having such crafty genius parents!

Tiffany said...

thanks, this are cute. I'm going to use a few of these for embroidery patterns I think. happy holidays!

Denise said...

Thank you, thank you! My kids are home from school because of snow, and they are working on these right now. :)

SusanBluerobot said...

I just wish i knew how to order the punch it is in japanese andnot having any success
thanks for your wonderful site

Maggie said...

These are awesome! I think we're going to have a lot of fun with these and the hole punch template. (Found your site through Craft, btw)

kepalm said...

I love these - and so does my daughter. Thank you so much for sharing these.

aegeland said...

Thanks for sharing! My kids will love these.

puggerhugger said...

linking! so cute!

tiziana said...

what a great idea! simple, nice, chic!

Amanda said...

these are awesome! thank you!!

Nadene said...

Thanks for great ideas - already creating ours! I had a brain wave - to cut out shapes from plastic icream lids! These are firm and strong. It is also my hole template! I trace the circles where I need them on the girls's pictures.

Amy said...

Thanks, can't wait to do this in the morning!

Miss Kaizer said...

I am having a giveaway on my blog with two Muji Lego punches up for grabs!

Special K said...

Now I have a craft for tomorrow- so fun!!!!

Lindsey said...

We did this with my cousins! It was so much fun, and they loved how they stood up! Thanks!